Saturday 5 July 2014

A short word letter of advice..

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you have so many words, so many emotions, and feelings that you wish to express in order to convey something to someone..but when it comes to that perfect moment that plan fails...?

Maybe you are having a semi debate with someone (maybe a little sensitive someone) and all of a sudden the conversation escalates and somehow that initial discussion turns into a heated argument.

 I'm the type of person that absolutely hates arguments and the minute they are over I regret them completely and wish I could take them back. I find when I get upset, like many of us, I can say too many things that I don't necessarily mean or maybe without explanation they will be taken wrongly. So immediately after, or at least quite soon after, I find myself wanting to apologize and try to make up.
However, sometimes the argument happens with someone who is a little more stubborn and takes a little more time to calm down.


So what do I do...well.. I have this small thing which I do (only when I feel its really necessary though) which is writing them a letter.


A letter.

Sometimes pages long, other times a short paragraph or two - but always enough to convey those feelings I wish I could express (but often don't get the chance because sometimes they may be a little hard to talk to, or a little stubborn to actually listen).

Here's the point of me saying all this though; so many times I've seen people close to me in situations where they are fighting and not on speaking terms - but here they are telling me all their feelings (that if the other person could hear would make them feel so much better and help resolve the situation/misunderstanding) - so I say "Why aren't you telling them this?"
Often enough, the response I get is "They wont listen if I try."
And so,
I say: "Why not write it down in a letter?"

Most of the times people just mock this idea or say they can't be bothered, but honestly I feel it works so well sometimes. I mean I can't promise it will always work, but in my has helped me in a couple of difficult times. I have a couple of people close to me that can be very sensitive and take every word you say to heart or just shut you out when you try and explain yourself to sometimes I find it best for both of us to take a step back and just write what I want to say, leave the note/letter for them somewhere and then give them some time.

Just think about it, every word, feeling, misunderstanding you've wanted to explain to someone (in a particular situation, or maybe even over a long period of time), all written down for them to read without them having the chance to interrupt or shout. Just them reading every word, listening (well in their head!) and maybe for once understanding.

You may think its a little strange, embarrassing, or even weird, but the way I see it, if a relationship is that important to you, a few moments of your day to just explain your feelings in writing can be so helpful and meaningful to that person.

Trust me.

Relationships, whether with family, lovers, or friends, can be tough. We aren't all the same in the way we think and react - sometimes we have to do something a little out of the ordinary to help people understand.

If you think you might be in that situation, or ever are - just consider it. :)

Your words do not need to be poetic or beautiful, just honest.

Honesty is where the true beauty lies.

Good luck,
T x

Monday 9 June 2014

A few honest words to start..


okay.. that doesn't really sound like me.. starting with 'hey!' I mean. That tends to be my conversation starter with people i'm not so familiar with, so... i'll try and stick to the title and be honest and try to convey myself to you as best possible.

So.. my name ? Well, we will keep that a mystery for now - I'm not sure how personal I want this blog to get yet, so i'll keep my options open..

Okay, so if not my name, then what? Well.. I'll tell you a little about myself.
I'm 20 and I'm a student. Cool. Informative, well done girl! lols. <--- I say that ALOT. It's quite a bad habit lols - see. I use lols as a filler in conversations even.

grrrr okok I'm blabbing I know..this is irritating - i'll get to it.

So I'd like to say i'm just your ordinary average girl, but there are times where I wonder whether I am or not. Wow. This blogging thing is kinda hard - I mean there's all these thoughts you want to express lol, but when it comes to it its so difficult to get it all out without blabbing. I guess thats kind of a way to explain myself to you - I'm a girl of so many different thoughts and interests, and i'm a little lost you could say. I'm trying to figure myself out - maybe that's why I'm struggling to explain myself to you. I'm trying to find my passion, my interest, my love (not romantically lol). I feel like there are so many influences day to day, especially since we live in a time of social media. I mean instagram and youtube bring out my love of fashion and make me want to pursue it as I see others doing it..but then I wonder if I have the same passion as these other girls. Then there are the more poetic and philosophical elements of my personality that wish to fulfill much more and almost mock me for wanting to do the previously mentioned. That little voice in my head tells me that it's not me, and I seem to agree. I feel like my true talent/passion (if I actually do have one - i'm still trying to figure it out) is a love of life, of humanity, and the world. I like to analyze people, to understand them and to empathize with them. I appreciate nature and beauty.

Honestly.. I'm lost.. I'm a girl with so many thoughts and hopes.. yet sometimes I feel very alone, almost as if I don't fit in. I feel like I'm awkward, I can be shy and that I'm often lacking with words. I mean I have plenty to's just I never know how to..

So I seek refuge in this blog, and you (my possible readers...if there will ever be any haha)

I guess this is just a place for me to organize my thoughts, or even just let them out to  give them some sort of meaning and recognition. I really just want to express myself and to find myself and my passion God willing.

I know this first post is a little crazy and disorganized.. I just wanted to blurt something out to push myself to actually start. So yeah.. sorry about that.

I'll work on it :).

T x